Home / Newsroom / Record high demand and costs – a double hit for housing market with alarmingly low supply

Record high demand and costs – a double hit for housing market with alarmingly low supply

The latest UDIA Housing Index data for the June quarter confirms that supply continues to lag badly behind demand for both sale and rental homes, driving prices ever higher and making the dream of homeownership increasingly out of reach.

“The UDIA Housing Index (UHI) figures show that across Australia, demand for housing increased over the three months since the last UHI report.  Demand now sits at record highs, while housing supply remains at near a decade low with all jurisdictions recording either decreased supply or only marginal improvements,” said Col Dutton, UDIA National President.

The UHI Supply Sub-Index for the June Quarter recorded the national housing market in a ‘weak performance band’ of 88 index points which is alarmingly low and 12% lower than the long run average.  To put this into context the March and June 2024 quarter index readings are the lowest on series record.

The forward supply pipeline is increasingly challenged by ongoing cost and capacity pressures impacting the new build residential sector with flow-on impacts continuing to place significant pressure on the rental market.  As a result, there is limited expectation of a marked improvement in the performance of the UHI Supply Sub-Index over the coming two quarters.

The further increase in housing demand shown in the UHI Demand Sub-Index in June is primarily attributable to an uptick in owner occupier mortgage lending and the ongoing elevation in population growth rates.

“The UDIA Housing Index shows that extremely challenging housing market conditions underscore the need for governments across the nation to work with the residential development sector on solutions to unlock new dwelling supply faster and boost new housing capacity,” said Col Dutton.

Key Stats:

The full UDIA Housing Index Report for the June Quarter can be found at this link